Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Once Was Blind

When I was 18 I began to notice that I couldn't see the notes on the board in class. I went to the optometrist and found out that, in her words, I couldn't "see the broad side of a barn." I failed every line of the eye chart test and had to get glasses. How did I not know that I was essentially blind? I assumed that everyone's vision was blurry like mine. I remember the first thing I saw when I put on my glasses for the first time. I stood at the window of the optometrist's 2nd floor office and suddenly everything was so clear! All I could say was "wow!" I couldn't believe how much I had missed. When I drove home I found that (to the delight of the drivers in front of me) I had gained the depth perception I had been lacking. Road signs were suddenly clear. Everything changed.

In the past few months God has placed a new desire in my heart to know Him more. As I began praying and seeking a deeper relationship with Him, He began opening my eyes to wonders I never knew before. Just like when I received my glasses, the world now looks entirely different as I view it through the new spiritual eyes He has given me. The more I seek Him, the more I see Him. And just like with my new physical lenses, my perception has changed and the signs He has placed in front of me are becoming more clear. All I can say is "wow".

And that is what lead to this blog. I don't have all the answers, that's why I ask so many questions. I'm not a spiritual expert, I'm just a Millenial who's trying to navigate the waters of God's deep love, grace, and calling in my life. My hope is that as I share the things God has laid on my heart that it will encourage others to seek after Him as well and learn His voice for themselves. I pray that every word that is written would bless my God and serve to make His name great.

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