Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Never Feed A Stray Dog

Suppose I come to you and start complaining that there is a stray dog in my neighborhood that just won't leave me alone. I complain that everyday he shows up on my doorstep at dinner time and I can't figure out why he keeps coming back. Then I tell you that I am feeding the dog everyday. The solution seems simple, right? If I want him to stay away then I need to stop feeding him.

I often hear Christians complaining that although Jesus is in their heart and they want to live a life that is pleasing to Him, temptation often gets the better of them. They can't understand how they could be so easily lured into sin. My question to them is this, "are you feeding temptation?"

Can we be shocked if we are tempted with sexual immorality when we watch movies with so much filth they could be considered soft-pornography? Can we be surprised that we are tempted to engage in a drunken lifestyle when we spend our time around people who do the same? Should it take us back that we are drawn toward violence when we spend our time playing violent games or listening to music condoning violence? We must be vigilant that the seemingly benign things we participate in do not allow a foothold for sin to enter our lives.

If you feed temptation it will keep coming back, just like the stray dog in the neighborhood. Soon, what you thought was a small part of you life will overtake you and you won't know how to turn back.


  1. rite on! just reread in my personel notes this AM that sin is like jurassic (?spelling) park dinosaur egg: pretty, attractive, so u nurture it... then hatchling is very cute... so u feed it ... it grows and becomes unruly, then overbearing, then overpowering, till finally it eats u!

  2. What a great analogy! I may have to steal that one. Thanks for checking out my blog.
