Saturday, April 7, 2012

Get R.E.A.L.

Last weekend I had the immense pleasure of being a part of a new retreat at Camp Hickory Hills (Dickson, TN). The retreat was called Get R.E.A.L. (Refreshed, Encouraged, And Loved) and was created for girls from middle school to college. It was a weekend where girls were encouraged to be themselves and told repeatedly that they are special. Every session was geared towards issues young women face and every speaker was encouraged to "get real" and share from personal experiences. I was one of these "real" speakers.

As soon as I knew I would be speaking I knew exactly what I wanted to share but as I began preparing I started hearing familiar voices that always creep up before ministry opportunities. They say things like "this won't make any sense to anyone but you", "you'll look ridiculous", "you sound like a hillbilly when you talk", or "why would they even ask you to talk, you have nothing to say". Because of the personal matter I addressed at this retreat a new lie crept up, the lie that I would sound like a loser and people's opinions of me would change.

Clearly, those voices are the enemy trying to stop the word of God from being delivered. As I listened over the weekend I realized how much he is attacking this generation. Yes, they are constantly confronted with sex, drugs, alcohol, and all other manner of dangers, but there is a much bigger attack happening. It is a war on their self-esteem. Every time they turn on the T.V. they are told that they aren't good enough. Every magazine says they are too fat. These are traps designed to make these girls (and me) believe that they aren't perfect the way their Creator designed them. We all talk about the traps of the devil, but in this battle for self-esteem, he didn't set traps, he created minefields. Everywhere they turn, even when they least expect it, they are made to feel like failures. They live in a society that says their worth comes from their looks or social status.

So why does satan care so much about these girls doubting themselves? Well, what if I had listened to the lies he told me and changed my presentation to protect my ego or what if I refused to speak all-together because of it? If I had done that, the enemy would have won, and girls who needed to hear that particular word may have missed out. I see in this generation such incredible potential for ministry. Some of these girls are doing things for God even as teenagers that puts adults to shame. If I can see such potential for leadership in them, imagine how much more satan can see it and must want to kill it now. If he can make them buy into this lie that they are stupid, ugly, and worthless he WILL shut them up. This media bombardment against young women is much more serious than some advertisers trying to sell products or producers trying to sell movies, it is an absolute attack of the enemy.

Now is the time to take action. I know I ask you all to pray a lot, but I fully believe in the power of prayer. Lift up these young people (girls AND boys) in prayer. Pray that they would guard their hearts and minds against this daily assault on their spirits. Pray for wisdom so they can know that these are lies designed to shut their mouths and prevent God's Work from taking place. Secondly, encourage them and don't allow negative speak. Don't stand by and allow them to speak these lies themselves. I am chief among sinners on this one. I don't have to wait for anyone to put me down, I'll do it for myself. That's how I know that if they hear these lies enough, they will believe them. I am as serious about this as I have ever been about anything. I believe 100% that this fight is on a spiritual level, not physical. Please, help me in lifting up this generation.

1 comment:

  1. satan (I refuse to capitalize his name) gets excited when we shrink away from revealing our true selves. Why? Because that is the basis for lies and deception is his weapon of choice. You did a wonderful job, Lindsey. I'm so proud!
