Monday, March 11, 2013

Killing Our Own Soldiers

I have made it known on this blog that I consider the church to be my family. I would hope that all my readers, regardless of which organization they belong to feel this way. I know that if I were in trouble in another state or even in another country, I would probably have some connection that would be eager to help me simply because I am a part of their body of believers. This is a beautiful thing and what the church is meant to be. It has come to my attention, however, that some use this as an excuse to allow for unwholesome talk. For instance, have you ever heard someone bash their church, whether in reference to the global denomination, the local church, their pastor or leadership, and follow it up by saying, "I can say it because I'm part of it, but no body else can say it." For years I've heard that excuse and at one point empathized with it. In recent months I have become incredibly convicted regarding what I have either said or allowed to be said in my presence without disagreement. Those days are over.

I'm not saying we have to blindly accept without argument everything that is said or done in our organizations. While the church as a body was established by Christ, church denominations are man-made and thus, fallible. I am proud to be a part of a denomination that was founded on the idea of seeking God and His standard of holiness, but I am even more proud that this denomination has been strong enough to admit when we have missed the mark. There is a time and place for debate amongst the church, but it is to happen in a respectable fashion. If one feels there is a problem in the church, it should be discussed only with someone who has the authority to fix it. Huddling up to discuss what leadership is doing doesn't fix anything. If there is a sincere issue, then do what the bible says and go to the person with whom you have a problem. If the person you are comparing notes with is not someone with the authority to enact a solution, then you are both part of the problem. It is mindless gossip and it is the type of interaction that will destroy a church.

I know this is extremely harsh, but I need you to bear with me to understand what I'm feeling. How often have we heard references to Christians as "soldiers" on a "battlefield"? We take on the Armor of God to fight the battle against sin. Imagine this battle for a moment. Imagine you put your arm around your fellow soldier, fighting on the same side as you, look at your opponent and say, "This is my brother. I won't allow any of you to assault him," then you look at your brother and say, "but I can kill him because we are family." and with that, you plunge your sword through his flesh. When the numbers are counted, regardless of who actually killed him, your side still shows a loss of life. This is what we do when we gossip and slander our church family. If we are all on the same side, then why are we so content with killing off the very ones who are meant to help us in battle?

The solution is quite simple. First, we must abandon negative, slanderous speech. I've been guilty of it, and I was wrong for it. We should be building up those around us in prayer and speech. We should be lifting up our leadership in prayer. God only knows what they go through and the weight they carry. Good, Godly men and women who can do nothing to shake the burden they carry for souls here and abroad. But it's not enough to control your own tongue. When you listen to gossip and negative speak about the church, you are just as guilty. I've been guilty of that one too...a lot. Usually I said nothing because I didn't want the conversation to get awkward. Let it get awkward! I would rather deal with 5 minutes of discomfort than spend weeks feeling convicted over not speaking up.

Proverbs 26:20-22 says "For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases. As charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife." When someone comes to you and wants to defame the church, leadership, or laity, shut them off. They won't stop talking until there is no one left to listen. And when they finally stop talking, the strife can die.

I know this was rough, but it's serious. The church (meaning all believers) has enough to combat without having to worry about what happens in the church house. We have to get ourselves in order, because time is running out and I'm tired of watching us kill our own soldiers.


  1. This is your best yet. I am so proud of you.

  2. well when you go to the pastor and he brushes you aside and begin to talk about what God has done for him and the fact that it is his family that is creating all of the persecution, namely one person that he has placed in charge of everything. she gossiped about my dead mother, talked about me to anyone that would listen, why others were putting her way up high. she defaced my character and when I went to her 3 or 4 times she lied like most cowards. What must one do. I had been in the church 45 years and one jealous person made my life hell on earth in the church.

  3. Well said thank you brother

  4. If you have an issue with laity and have followed biblical procedure, there comes a point all you can do is pray for them. If your issue is with the pastor, you should follow your church's grievance policy and take the next step. In either case the answer is never to stoop to the gossipe level. You are better than that. On a side note, idk your personal situation, but I want to apologize on behalf of the body for your hurt. It sounds like your pain was understandable. To hear that someone's experience with church was that painful breaks my heart. I can only hope that you know there is far more good in the church than what you encountered.

  5. Your forgive and enter into a time of fasting for them. There are some cases where Spiritual warfare must go to a new level and many do not understand how they are to battle these dark princes of the air. Jesus said this one only leaves through prayer and fasting. When dealing with an opressive spirit in the church like this there is only one way to deal with it and that is in the secret place of God. It is found by getting alone for hours on end and praying, reading his word, and not eating. You wrestle the Spirit not the person. If you continue to wrestle the person and allow them to fight back and you try and bring other saints into it you are only wearing one another down. You must deal with the Spiritual aspect of the battle. Not flesh and blood!

  6. Awesome job and well said!
