Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cast Out

Warning: this is one of those blogs that requires I give an introduction explaining why I am writing it. Some of the topics in this blog will seem far-fetched or even made up, but I assure you what I am writing about is very real and should be treated as such. Please read the blog in its entirety before you form an opinion on the matter. Here we go...

A while back I was discussing with my ministry partners why it is that we don't see certain manifestations that we used to. We began discussing a time when it was common place to see people (particularly young people) being delivered from demonic possession. It was not uncommon to see these spirits manifest and then to watch as men and women filled with the Holy Spirit would pray and these people would be delivered. We became disheartened as we discussed the possible reasons for this. Please understand that we are not saying we want people to be possessed so we can deliver them, but we know that the devil is very much at work in the lives of so many. Our concern is not that the demons aren't there, it is that they clearly are but people are coming to church services and events and going home still bound to these spirits. The more I've thought and prayed about this, I've come to the following conclusions:

1. We aren't much of a threat to these spirits. I once heard of an evangelist from Africa, where voodoo and witchcraft make possessions commonplace, tell of the fear the demons had of Holy Spirit filled ministers. He would preach at arenas that had showers in the back to help the minister get ready for service. He said that as he was getting ready, demon possessed men and women would begin screaming "the man of God is taking a shower!" The spirits were so terrified of what was about to happen once he was ready that they literally screamed. Are we, as ministers, that much of a threat to satan that his tormentors would cry out in anguish of us being near? Are we so full of the Spirit that demons can't stay in hiding around us in the way that the possessed girl shouted after Paul and Silas (Acts 16:17)? Do we not still believe Mark 16:17 when it says "these miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages." It seems we in the Pentecostal church want to follow through on that last part but not the first. What is the point of being filled with a Spirit that gives us boldness if we allow people to walk around in bondage to satan?

2. We are more scared of satan than he is of us. Not only is the devil not scared of us (as expanded on above), we are scared of him for some ridiculous reason! Those of us who believe these spirits are real spend too much time trying to run from them. I've seen people who claim to be Holy Spirit filled literally walk the other way when they see someone in need of deliverance. It is the equivalent of a firefighter running away from the flames! I remember praying in the past that God would show me aspects of the spiritual realm during the daytime, but at night when I was alone being terrified that He'd actually do it. I've reached a point in my spiritual walk that I am more frightened that the devil leaves me alone because I don't bother him than I am at the idea of seeing him. We have nothing to fear because I John 4:4 is still true, "Greater is He that is in you".

3. Our culture has turned demonic activity into a ghost story. I've never felt the need to tell people what is ok to watch, but I have become personally convicted over spiritually-themed horror films. I don't judge others for watching them because that is between them and God, but these films turn demonic activity into entertainment. There is nothing entertaining or exciting about demons. They are real forces of evil on this earth who cause pain and destruction. They cause men and women to kill or injury themselves or others. To support an industry that turns them into something fun to enjoy seems counter to the Word. Even in reading this, some of you think I'm crazy because you think demons are a made up phenomena used to sell movies and books. I'm an extremely rational and realistic person and I can tell you I have seen demon possessed people in real life, they exist. I have cast out demons in Jesus name of people who were covered in scars from self-mutilation the demons encouraged, and it's not something to joke about. 

Some of you think I'm crazy now, and that's ok, because at least you did as I asked and read this through to the end. I'm just asking you to open your eyes to what is already around you in the world. 

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