Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Community Porn

This Valentine weekend thousands of women (even some good church women) will fill theaters across the country to absorb about 2 hours of sadistic filth. "50 Shades of Grey" talk has dominated the news, entertainment shows, and water coolers for some time now.

For those who don't know, 50 is part of a trilogy of novels created by E.L. James (a female writer).  In the first book, we meet Anastasia Steele, a virginal college student. "Ana" enters into a sadomasochistic contract with a wealthy beyond belief man by the name of Christian Grey. Not only does Ana commit to a relationship built on bondage and the like, she is agreeing to be controlled in her life and worse yet, she gives this all away without any promise of romance. (aside-I have not read the books, but have done thorough research to have a more clear understanding of the premise and characters.)

Here are my issues with film from the prospective of a Christian woman:

1.) It promotes violence towards women.

I won't spend much time here because it has been extensively covered in other writings, but it must be echoed once again that this is a dangerous message to send our young men and women. Thanks to ravenous fans, men are being lead to believe that it is a common female fantasy to be dominated sexually. I can think of no other piece of pop culture that has so adequately given license to rapists to continue their mantra that their victims "wanted it". Why would a Christian woman pay to watch something that promotes such an idea?

2.) It is pornography.

There is no way around this-it is "community porn", meant to be consumed in the open. From every review I've read on the books as well as the excerpts I have sampled, I can tell you these are undoubtedly the most poorly written novels I've ever seen . It is pathetic even by the very low standards set forth by romance novels. NO ONE would have raved about this book unless it was used to stir up sexual emotions. It was porn in print, and it will be porn on screen.

Even the wife of the lead male character has said she is uncomfortable watching the film and cannot attend the premiere. So, even if you are an unmarried young lady and attend a screening, you need to realize the situation you are putting yourself in. You are paying $10 to put yourself in a position to lust after a married man and mentally put yourself in bed with another woman's husband. This, according to the bible, is the same as adultery. (Matt. 5:27-28)

Maybe you don't mind watching community porn with your neighbors, but I don't think that sends the right message as a follower of Christ and it certainly is not beneficial to your personal walk.

3.) Christian Grey's allure is in large part due to his wallet.

His ability to give Ana experiences she couldn't partake in on her own financial merits earn Grey's way into her heart. He "grooms" her, as every good predator does. Every time we "mature" women endorse this film, we are sending a message to those behind us that degradation is okay, as long as the man has money.

4.) It's a love story.

My biggest problem isn't the sex in the trilogy, it's the love.

By the end of the series, the two main characters are married with a child living the American dream. And that's my problem.

My problem is that society is teaching our young women that there can be a link between domineering sexual behavior and love. I am especially concerned that it seems to be the very women who should be teaching our girls to desire more in life who are leading the charge. There is a reason the novels are called "mommy porn". It is because the book's popularity has been due in large part to middle aged women using it to reinvigorate their sex lives. I'm deeply concerned that we are teaching our girls that a relationship started in violence can enter into the realms of deep love and devotion-it can't.

My problem isn't that 50 Shades presents a disconnect between love and sex, it's that it confuses the mind on the order in which the two should be explored and how they are divinely connected. God designed sex to be a healthy part of a godly marriage. It is meant to be another way to connect with your spouse, to show mutual love and respect for each other's feelings and bodies.

The "love chapter" of the bible found in 1 Corinthians 13 spells out what love is and in verse 5 we see exactly why the attitudes in this pornographic film are not conducive with the Christian life. It says, love "does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking..." How in the world can the selfish, demeaning behaviors of Christian Grey be not only justified by the Christian viewer, but accepted as a means to real love?

I can't say much for the unbeliever who is enticed by this film, but as for Christian woman, I beg you to inspect your heart on this matter. I don't spend much time telling people what they should or shouldn't watch, but this one falls in the category of porn, and thus I have no choice but to say clearly: blood bought women have NO reason to watch this.


  1. Soo I just came across a blogger and read this...... "This Valentine weekend thousands of women (even some good church women) will fill theaters across the country to absorb about 2 hours of sadistic filth." Just because you disagree with what the film or book portrays, doesn't mean you have to put other women down for wanting to have interest in things that you don't. AND just because woman have more of a spiced interest in forms of fornication than you may, doesn't make it wrong. Even though I didn't read the book and I'm not going to view the film anytime soon, I strongly disagree with the way this women puts this book in her blog. I hope she is prepared to loose a bunch of followers on her blog because of her opinions on "Community Porn". ~Isla Rose

  2. First of all, when the book is built on BDSM, it is, by definition, sadistic. That was not opinion, that was fact. Secondly, I repeatedly made it known that my comments were for Christian women. What other women believe or do is not something I can really comment on. As such, it does make it wrong for a woman who claims to be a Christian to promote such "interest" as you put it. That's not my judgement, that's based on the Bible. My repeat readers know my topics and that I am always very honest, that's why they keep reading. Thank you for your comment.

  3. Thank you for speaking out. I have been amazed at some of the people that have went to see this movie. I am glad there are young women who will take a stand.
    The Lord going to bless you for this.

  4. let me try this again.... Thank You for standing up. I am so glad to see young women who are willing to take a stand.

    I was amazed at some of the women I know who went to see this movie. Christian women, I was very sadden to see how they felt it was just a movie, no biggie.

    I have not read the book, but I seen enough on line to know what the book is about.
    So sad that this is becoming the normal in this world. Glad to know there are some who are set apart and taking a awesome stand
