Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sing Over Me

A month ago I did not know the name Dennis Jernigan, although he has written some of my favorite worship songs. The prolific writer is known for compositions including "Who Can Satisfy" and "You Are My All In All". I became acquainted with his name recently during a conversation with a friend regarding the Church's response to homosexuality. You see, Mister Jernigan, an anointed songwriter and minister,  spent a large portion of his life as a gay man. His upbringing, his former lifestyle, and his DELIVERANCE from homosexuality are the subject of a new documentary entitled Sing Over Me. 

Jernigan's story, I fear, is a common one. Growing up in rural Oklahoma, he just didn't fit the mold of what he was told a young boy was supposed to be. He was artistic and preferred to spend time with female friends. This difference in personality coupled with an incident in which he was solicited for a sexual encounter with an adult male left the writer feeling as if he were, in his words, "something less than a little boy." 

His adolescent and teen years brought fear, confusion, guilt, and bullying as he began sexually experimenting with his male peers in an effort to find approval and affection he craved. After high school he attended ultra-conservative Oklahoma Baptist University. While he dated women at OBU, he continued to engage in homosexual relationships secretly. 

Sing Over Me examines the battles waged in Jernigan's mind. He found himself falling in love with a woman, but kept getting drawn into sexual relationships with men. He lived under a heavy calling, but was left feeling that God hated people like him, because Christians hated people like him. Like many living with the shame inflicted from living a double life, he became depressed and suicidal. 

The peak of the documentary is undoubtedly the story of his true conversion during a "Second Chapter of Acts" concert. As the Holy Spirit spoke through one of the group members, Dennis gave everything over to God. And in that moment, Dennis says he was delivered-instantly, completely. Time certainly seems to support this claim, because this man who stated he couldn't be aroused by a woman has been married for over 3 decades and has 9 children! 

This film touched me on a personal level. I have watched friends and family struggle with the same issues as Jernigan.  I have seen every approach possible from the Church, from telling them they are going to hell because God hates them, to being told that they just can't help what God made them, so they should continue in their lifestyle. 

Watching the pain on Jernigan's face as he described what it was like to live in such bondage left me desiring to do more to help this community understand that there is complete freedom through Christ Jesus. 

To my friends seeking to more effectively understand and minister to the homosexual community (and we should, because they are souls worthy of our time), I urge you to watch this documentary. Hearing exactly how a man anointed and gifted by God could fall into such a  trap may open your mind and heart to understand how one can stumble into this sin without even knowing what they are doing. 

To my friends struggling with living a double life, rife with guilt and pain, I encourage you to watch as well. I would suggest you learn more about Jernigan's story, so that you can see there is hope, help, and healing through the blood of Jesus Christ. 

Sing Over Me is streaming FREE through the month of September. To watch this amazing story of love and redemption, visit

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